My Grandmother passed away on October 30, 2009 and I just wanted to share some photos that I found in one of her many boxes that were given to me. There are so many refreshed memories in this box, these three photos are just a brief sampling of the woman that she was.

I miss her very much. I had the opportunity to say my goodbye last week and the following day she suffered another stroke and was left completely unresponsive. I am so Thankful for taking that hour just to sit with her and enjoy her brief moments of lucidity.
Love. Take a moment today and think of someone and do something, say something, just for them to let them know how you cherish their impact on your life.

Photo 1: My brother, myself, Grandma. (Guessing 1994?)
Photo 2: Myself, Grandma (1998)
Photo 3: My Grandma holding my brother, I am standing. (1983)
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